Need to move onto other things, though. Like the queen-size duvet that's been a work in progress since the fabric was purchased 20 years ago - way too long. Great Jacobean pattern, so many great colors that will look great when finished. Just needs to be assembled and then quilted along the border. Must be its massive size that makes it such a daunting project and keeps it from being completed. Will be tackling this shortly now that I've taken some classes in quilting at the Quilt Fest in Hampton, VA in February. So, more on this one....later.
Other projects, equally old, keep getting pushed further back behind new stuff that keeps capturing my attention. What a dilemma! So much to do and so little time. But then that's been heard before.

The program will be a true stretch for me as I have not ventured beyond needlepoint, crewel work, blackwork and general cross stitch. Each one of these squares involves multiple threads and multiple stitches to achieve the overall look of the finished piece. It will be interesting to see how quickly I can adapt. Many of the stitches are unfamiliar to me, even though I have this lovely book with 100s of embroidery stitches, I have only leafed through it on rare occasions.
As I embark on this latest endeavor with a resolve to do well, learn something new, and FINISH(!), I realize that it seems almost daft to start anything new. With so many unfinished projects looming, there is strong motivation to get a move on 'cause time's awastin'.
Until next time.
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