Since November, my daughter and sister each spent over two months in SE Asia in the time spanning 2009-2010, both leaving and returning within a week of each other. My sister to visit her daughter in Singapore and my daughter on a teaching/book tour. How wonderful that they were able to briefly connect in Singapore during their respective trips.
"The Needlework Maven", my sister, arrived between snow storms and spent a few days with me before heading back home to Virginia. There, 20" of white stuff was already on the ground with another 24" or so yet to fall. We shared stitching stories, ideas, and good conversation.
My daughter, the world traveler, spent time in Taiwan, Hong Kong, Singapore, and Vietnam, before returning to Taiwan for a teaching retreat. She returned to NYC and was preparing to come for a long overdue visit before returning to Arizona but the weather didn't cooperate. We were socked in while nary a flake fell on northern New Jersey. Rather than risk life and limb, she elected to stay close to an open airport. She is now back in the arms of her students in Arizona, teaching away.
Our recent blizzard conditions altered everyone's schedule. This is the first time in memory that I've seen my neighbors shoveling more than once during any storm.. Perhaps because it just kept coming - for two days it kept coming - and coming! We all took rotating turns at the sidewalks just so we could move around when the blizzard finally stopped. All was fine by the next day.
The storm cancelled the February ANG chapter meeting among others. Lucky for me...my embroidered heart appears to be in "cardiac arrest" and isn't doing so well and it'll be good to have another month to resuscitate my flagging progress.
Both my PCs [laptop and desktop] fell victim to a nasty virus through the late summer and early fall, prompting a long overdue leap to the world of Apple. Next, the wireless network issues were cured with an Apple Time Capsule, combining wireless router with wireless back ups allowing me to work anywhere in the house I choose.

Well, back to stitching.
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