Wednesday, November 4, 2009

So What's On Your To Do List....

Another week has come and gone.  I find that I have done the preliminary work on a surprising number of projects but one item in particular is proving difficult to finish - a knitted "amoeba" that requires some buttons.  As luck would have it, they've gone missing within the stash pile.  All the various "logical" locations have been scoured and it looks like I'll have to mount that full-house search.  Not my favorite thing to do when I would rather be working on one of these many existing projects.

There is one benefit to the search at hand...I'll uncover some of the dozens of projects that have been started and yet, lie languishing in some forgotten location having moved on to tend some emergency that distracted my focus.  Gives me another chance at consolidating, cataloging and relocating these projects into a more accessible venue. 

By the way, can anyone identify what the "amoeba" pictured above is supposed to be?  Recently, I fielded several "What are you knitting?" inquiries.  I asked for guesses as to what it might be after laying the piece out on the table.  One bright young thing came right out and gave the correct name of the pattern!  Needless to say, this was a jaw dropping experience since this is a very old pattern from 1968.   I came across it during a trip to Florida with my sister, the real needlewoman, and just had to have it.  Apparently,  one can get confused during its progress; I know I did and needed to do the "frog stitch" [rip-p-p-it, rip-p-p-it - but you knew that already, didn't you?] on several occasions before binding off the final row.  Just need to find those darling Peter Rabbit buttons and it'll be ready for gifting. I've included a photo of the finished  garment.

Baby Surprise Jacket

So the search continues, along with the collecting, cataloging and completing of projects great and small.  Next time I'll include some details of works that have actually made it to completion.

Until then, be fascinating and fascinated.

1 comment:

  1. It looks lovely! Hope you find those buttons before the baby goes off to college! :)

    -Bright Young Thing
