Saturday, November 10, 2018

It's Been A Long, Long Time...

Cannot believe so much time has elapsed since my last what's been keeping me so busy?  At little thing called Life!

Amazing how time just slips away from you when you're having fun exploring all your fascinations.  But then reality steps in and shakes you, hard.  Before beginning this blog, I was a banker, then a mortgage officer, and then...March 2007 changed everything.  Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac became insolvent and no one was getting mortgages.

Undeterred, I made an interesting career move - asset recovery for a pharmaceutical company as a contractor.  Enter the economic downturn of 2008 and not only did my contract end but my manager, also a contractor, lost the concession held for 15 years.  Retirement #1.

Now my back up retirement plan was to be a Notary Signing Agent which would allow me to control the hours I worked and do the things that interested me - like this blog.   Sadly, when no one can get a mortgage, there's precious little work for NSAs.  So between 2008 and 2011, I puttered along, finally getting a new job in the medical field.  Things moved along swimmingly until....the practice was sold and my department was taken over by the new owners.  Retirement #2.

Since 2014, my notary business picked up substantially and has kept me solvent.  Increase business meant limiting the time I can spend on this blog and my other fascinations.  That's about to change....Stay tuned.